Thursday, January 27, 2011

Vacations on the brain

Yesterday,  I felt sort of yucky.  queasy really.  I am not sure if it is a bug.... because I had one throwing up most of Tuesday evening, or... ??

Anyway, because I was highly unmotivated to get out of my sweat pants or put on any shoes besides my slippers...  It quickly morphed into a video school day.

We got a Wii for Christmas.  This means we have access to streaming Netflix...  which we promptly bought a subscription too...  I love that thing.

We started with a documentary on Lewis and Clark, by National Geographic....  moved over to one about Disneyland, flitted over to one about the Appalachian Trail....  You get the picture.  A day of learning, just on a crazy set of topics. 

NOW, I can't stop thinking about Vacations....  All of these videos... ( save the one about Disney, we have already been there lots) have me thinking about these amazing field trips.  I mean, how cool would it be to DO the Lewis and Clark Trail????  We live right on a part of it....
Then listening to the Appalachian Trail one.... I now want to do that too.........

There are so many places in our own country, where history has happened, that we read about, but never go!  I lived in California for YEARS.... and I have never been to Yosemite...  Right now I am ready to jump in an RV and get lost for awhile.

Which leads me to another crazy thought I have always had.  Wouldn't it be cool to just travel the country and live in an RV?  My husband thinks I am stone cold crazy.  He traveled lots for work before we met.  Life on the road to him does not sound appealing.... but me.... who lived in the same place for 35 years... I am ready to hit the road and explore!  I know there are people that do it...  I have read some blogs, and seen some TV shows....  It IS completely possible.

Here is the part I need you for.  Tell me what great historical things are to visit in your State....  Or what places have you been, that I absolutely MUST visit?

I really want to do this....  help me plan!


  1. Hey Julie!

    I signed up to follow your blog while I'm here. :) I don't know if you know it, but TOS is about to post (or may be in the process-not sure) info from each state telling about good places to visit and/or go on field trips. I've got to email in my info about Mississippi. I'm so glad you "reminded" me! I don't have it all together yet, but I'll try to remember to leave it in a comment once I get it done.


  2. I think this would be fun as well! My husband isn't too sure about the living in an RV, but he does love to travel for a week or two at a time.
    I moved a lot as a child and get a bit of wanderlust sometimes!
    We live in Texas and love going to see everything we can. I can't think of anything right now that is must see - but I still have a lot to see myself! Big Bend is supposed to be incredible, but I haven't seen it yet. I also hope to one day see Kemp's Ridley Sea Turtle nests on Padre Island.

    We loved seeing the Badlands and Mt. Rushmore in South Dakota and Mesa Verde in Colorado - I highly recommend you add those to your list!


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