Here is a little peek into what this last week as been all about over here...
In my life this week...
Tuesday was the first pre-show for the Schoolhouse Expo. I was able to attend live and listen to most everything everyone had to say... there were only a few minutes where I totally missed anything. I was challenged by the speakers to really take a hold of my priorities and to get things on to some sort of set schedule. Something I always seem to try to do, and then life gets in the way and I get all messed up again... So spiritually, I am just trying to be still and listen to what it is God tells me are the most important things and build from there......
Hunter was sick for Monday and Tuesday, and that meant I was on bathroom patrol... poor guy.
Thursday was our anniversary... 9 whole years. We had decided not to go out for a nice dinner (we got to do that for Valentines Day..) and instead we had Corned Beef, Cabbage and Mashed Potatoes with the kids and spent some time snuggling on the couch watching Mastermind. It was a real relaxing evening. My dear hunky husband surprised me with a new Kindle. I was completely floored. We had been talking about getting one for nearly a year, so that we could read some of the Unit Study downloads, and other E-books we use for school away from the computer. I have already loaded a few PDF books on it and it is great!
In our homeschool this week...
Hunter was sick for two full days and the third day was still in recovery mode, so much of his week was spent watching science tv.... (read that as, Mythbusters).
The bigger kids have seemed to struggle this week with staying on task. This tends to happen every time we institute a new idea ( like the accountability calendar) around 6 weeks in we start to see slacking because they think we won't notice.... Well, I notice. I am resolving to not become frustrated and just try to do it on my own, but to gently correct the course and get them back on track.
Tayler has completed try-outs for the local High School Softball team.... now it is on to regular league play.
Jeremiah is learning to write his name. He almost has the first three letters down, if you don't mind the upside down e.
Places we're going and people we're seeing...
The main places we have been are Softball practice.... and Driving School. blah. Not so much fun for mom or the little guys.... great fun for the big ones. Next week there are Softball games, driving school and more Dr. appointments. Sounds fun doesn't it? I am sure you would like to trade, since my life is so glamorous and all....
My favorite thing this week was...
In retrospect, because it certainly wasn't funny at the time, I will choose.........
When my 4 year old tried to tell me he needed to call the police because I wouldn't give him the Cocoa Puffs cereal he wanted for breakfast....
( it was not my favorite thing for his sassy little attitude.... but I have to admit it was more humorous than throwing a raging fit.)
don't worry, he didn't get them...... for the rest of the week.
Oh... and my other favorite thing....
When Tayler found out that she made the JV team. Score one for the homeschool girl!
The week topper though, has to be the Kindle....
What's working/not working for us...
The working....
The calendar is still working... even if they are trying to buck the program. The transcript program that I have been beta testing is working beautifully. ( I can make report cards and transcripts whenever my little heart desires. That will come in handy when we need one for car insurance... I will have it!
The not working.....
All this driving isn't working for me.... but that is another story. The disorganized way the workbox system has become for Hunter isn't working and I need to spend some time getting it back in order.
Homeschool questions/thoughts I have...
I wonder if I can can download some of the out of print books that you can find on the Internet onto the Kindle. Anyone who knows that answer, please chime in.
Sometimes I feel alone in the struggle to keep the kids on task. Even when everything is very clearly and with detail lined out. Anyone else feel that way? Suggestions? Tips?
A photo, video, link, or quote to share...
March is MS Awareness Month. (and orange is their signature color) My dear sweet friend Lisa has MS. This photo is for her.
Don't forget to share your Journal at The Homeschool Chick.
I really like your little teddy bear pic, so cute.
ReplyDeleteTHere are days, weeks, when I too feel disorganized and off schedule. Sounds like you have a lot going on and a lot of balls to keep juggling.
Just started following you.
Really like your blog!!!! We had two down with illness this week and hoping they are on the mend soon. Also praying the others don't get it. Stopped over from The Homeschool chick link. Plan on following your adventures. Maybe you can stop by our way sometime:)