Monday, February 14, 2011

How our family helps me homeschool

Blog Cruise time again.........  I was thinking last night in church ( wrong place to be day dreaming...LOL ) how a cruise on a real boat might be so much fun....  for now...  cruising from the comfort of my spinney office chair will have to suffice.

Topic for the day is : "How are your spouse, grandparents, or other family members involved in your homeschooling?"

Well...  lets see... starting from the top..  My Spouse.
He is involved in our homeschool as the Principal.  He solidly stands behind me in discipline issues, when needed.  He has been known to leave work, on days that are especially difficult to help with some attitude adjusting.  He also helps me with scheduling the children's day... letting them know that is isn't just mom making these "rules".  He is very artistic, and in the past he has taught our children an Art class in the evenings.  He is also very mechanically inclined and repairs our own automobiles and those of people in our church.  He models servant-hood, and teaches "shop" to anyone who wants to go and hang out while he is working.

Back in the day when I was a working homeschool mom...  My mom would do the kids work with them during the day when I had to work.  At the time, I was a bus driver...  she would do school on the days that I had field trips scheduled and would be driving all day.  Most days, I could come home after the morning run and supervise, till the afternoon.  Having her there to help the days I couldn't be home were such a wonderful blessing.

Other Family Members:
This happens most in our home as just a natural extension of the day.  Lots of times I will just catch my daughter working on letters and numbers with her 3 year old brother.  Sometimes she reads to him.  Sometimes she teaches him words in Spanish. 
My sisters have helped too when we visit and are still schooling.  Everyone really pitches in and wants to see the kids learn, and be successful.  One of my sisters is the queen of fieldtrips.  She is always finding fun places for the kids to explore when we visit.

Click on the big Cruise ship to read more about how other families are involved in homeschooling

1 comment:

  1. That is great that your family is so involved in helping you homeschool! I'm helping my husband become more involved in our schoolwork. I have been saving some of our work until he gets home from work. He will also call the kids if attitudes need to be adjusted.
    I am from the TOS Crew and am now following you. I'm looking forward to reading more of your posts. Please follow me and thank you if you already are! Have a wonderful week. :)


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